Monday, August 25, 2014

Electric Tuk Tuk Adventure: India to London Road Trip


Naveen Rabelli is an electrical engineer from India, but that’s only his secret identity. Naveen is actually a hard-core adventurer who built himself an all-electric, solar-powered Tuk Tuk that he plans to drive from his home in India all the way across Asia, across the Middle East, across Europe, across the Channel, and into London, England.
“Big ideas start small,” says Rabelli. “I was taking a friend of my mine from Argentina to a kite festival in Bangalore, and for some reason noticed lots and lots of tuk tuks that day,” Mr. Rabelli wrote in an email to the NY Times. “They were loud and polluting. It was then that we got the idea of converting one into a solar-electric tuk tuk. Straight after that, we got the idea to travel in it.”
It took Rabelli two years and $6,500 to convert the 2-stroke Tuk Tuk to electric power, but he estimates that he’ll have to raise over $40,000 more to make the trip, and is hoping to find some sponsorships to finance his adventure. In the meantime, Naveen has take a second job working part-time as a badminton coach, which he says will allow him to “dedicate more time to getting his electric Tuk Tuk ready”.
What do you guys think? Is this the best electric Tuk Tuk adventure you’ve ever heard of, or is there one that tops it? Let us know in the comments, below.


Source | ImagesNY Times.

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