Andreas Stephens lives in Sydney, Australia. He wanted to be first in line to reserve a Model 3 at his local store, so he set up camp outside 48 hours in advance. In that first photo, he looked kinda lonely out there with no other customers around.
He’s not lonely anymore. He was joined by 100 others by the time the doors opened today. In Melbourne, the line was much longer.
Around the world, there are reports of hundreds in line in Oslo, Zurich, and Berlin. Regular reader Leif Hansen reports his local store in Bergen, Norway, expects of process 250 reservations by the time it closes this evening. Here’s a photo of of hundreds waiting in the rain in Montreal.
Over at Teslarati, people are reporting more than 500 in line in La Jolla, huge crowds in Dallas/Fort Worth, and more than 200 in Natick, Massachusetts. Tesla posted this video on Twitter 2 hours ago.
There is even a photo of Elon Musk himself giving high fives to customers as they finished making their reservations in Culver City.
RT @DrKatsuragi All set! @TeslaMotors and @elonmusksmoothest line/reservation experience I've ever had.
Some have suggested Tesla could book as many as 100,000 reservations today. Others say that’s absurd. But so far, it looks like there will be plenty of them to keep Elon and company smiling for months. A recent MSNBC poll asked people if they planned to reserve a Model 3 of their own. The results gave rise to this Musk tweet on Tuesday.
For all those people out there who are hoping and praying for Tesla to fall flat on its face. it’s time to go back and rethink that strategy. Elon says the Model 3 will be a compelling car. Based on the input from chief designer Franz von Holzhauser about how he and his team have made the appearance of the Model 3 “timeless.” it looks like we will be seeing lots of them on the roads starting in about 18 months.