Sunday, January 5, 2014

EZ EV will be a DIY electric vehicle you can build in a week

Anyone thinking that the era of converting gas-engined cars to electric power is over should pay attention. Gary Krysztopik has been working on converting ICEs to EVs for years recently told Plug In Cars that, when people ask about conversions now, "I tell people to go out and buy a Leaf."

But Krysztopik, an electrical engineer, has not given up on putting EV power into people's hands. Instead of starting with a donor vehicle, the man behind EZ EV is getting ready to put a full set of DIY details for an EV kit car online. Once the parts are collected, the vehicle should be buildable in just seven days (assuming you know what you're doing), because Krysztopik believes time is of the essence. "The main goal is to get EV's on the road so the typical multi-year build time for kit cars will not do," he wrote on his website. "This must be simple enough so that a complete kit can be assembled and ready to charge and register in one week."

Obviously, this means the car will be a simple affair, but Krysztopik is already thinking about how to upgrade it (with extraneous things like body panels) at some point in the future. First, though, Krysztopik and his wife are getting ready to cross the US in an RV and spread the EV message. It is on this trip that he will hammer out the details of the EV, but he already knows that it will use different size motors and batteries (depending on your budget), off-the-shelf components and both plastic and fiberglass frame parts.

News Source: EZ-EV via Plug In Cars

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